fnctId=profl,fnctNo=115 인물소개 리스트 전공주임교수 임재근 상세보기 직위 전공주임교수 전화번호 031-670-5343 소속 응용수학전공 전공 응용해석학 연구실 자연 206호 교수소개 전공주임교수 임재근 소속 응용수학전공 직위 전공주임교수 전화번호 031-670-5343 전공 응용해석학 연구실 자연 206호 이메일 jaekun@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 이학박사/KAIST 연구실적 및 저서 연구업적 Yoo Young Koo, Jae Kun Lim, In-Sook Shin, Finite orthogonal frames generated by normal operators, Linear Multilinear Algebra 56 (2008), 345-356. Hong Oh Kim, Rae Young Kim, Jae Kun Lim, Internal structure of the multiresolution analyses defined by the unitary extension principle, J. Approx. Theory 154 (2008), 140-160. Christopher Heil, Yoo Young Koo, Jae Kun Lim, Duals of frame sequences, Acta Appl. Math. (Special Issue: Applied Harmonic Analysis: Wavelets and Sampling) 107 (2009) 75-90. Shannon Bishop, Christopher Heil, Yoo Young Koo, Jae Kun Lim, Invariances of frame sequences under perturbations, Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010) 1501-1514. Hong Oh Kim, Rae Young Kim, Jae Kun Lim, New look at the constructions of multiwavelet frames, Bull. 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Lee) A regularity condition and temporal asymptotics for chemotaxis-fluid equations, Nonlinearity, 31, 351-387, 2018 (with S-J. Oh) Small Data Global Existence and Decay for Relativistic Chern Simons Equations , Ann. Henri Poincar´e, 2017 조교수 강재훈 상세보기 직위 조교수 전화번호 031-670-5346 소속 응용수학전공 전공 확률론 연구실 자연 203호 교수소개 조교수 강재훈 소속 응용수학전공 직위 조교수 전화번호 031-670-5346 전공 확률론 연구실 자연 203호 이메일 jaehoon.kang@hknu.ac.kr 학력 이학박사/서울대학교 연구업적 J. Kang and D. Park, An L_q(L_p)-regularity theory for parabolic equations with integro-differential operators having low intensity kernels, J. Differ. Equ. 415:487--540, 2025. J. Kang and D. Park, An L_q(L_p)-theory for time-fractional diffusion equations with nonlocal operators generated by Lévy processes with low intensity of small jumps, Stoch PDE: Anal Comp. 12(3):1439--1491, 2024. J.-H. Choi, J. Kang and D. Park, A regularity theory for parabolic equations with anisotropic non-local operators in L_q(L_p) spaces, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56(1):1264--1299, 2024. J. Kang, Estimates of Poisson kernels for symmetric Lévy processes and their applications. Potential Anal. 60(1):1--25, 2024. J. Kang, Heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes with anisotropic jumping kernels. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(1):385--399, 2023. S. Cho, J. Kang and P. Kim, Estimates of Dirichlet heat kernels for unimodal Lévy processes with low intensity of small jumps, J. London Math. Soc., 104(2):823--864, 2021. J. Bae, J. Kang, P. Kim and J. Lee, Heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes with mixed polynomial growths, Ann. Probab., 47(5):2830--2868, 2019. J. Kang and P. Kim, Tangential limits for harmonic functions with respect to ϕ(∆) : stable and beyond, Potential Anal., 42(3):629--644, 2015. J. Kang and P. Kim, On estimates of Poisson kernels for symmetric Lévy processes, J. Korean Math. Soc., 50(5):1009--1031, 2013.